Brewed Smooth
How? Well, in the 1980’s, entrepreneurial student Karan Bilimora created a beer from a recipe so complex it would take days to scroll through. But luckily the highlights are only a click away.
Welcome to
This is the home of impossibly smooth Cobra beer, winner of 121 Gold & Grand Gold Medals for quality at Monde Selection since 2001.
So far, Cobra Beer comprises of Cobra Premium, Cobra Zero, King Cobra, Cobra Gluten Free and Malabar Blond IPA.
But as it's in our nature to explore, you can guarantee that we're always looking at ways to develop Cobra even further. And since you've scrolled down this far, why not take your cursor on an adventure by clicking around to find out more about us and what we've been up to.

Join us on a journey of ambition, struggle and beer. Mostly beer.