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Miso Cured Salmon Rolls With Toasted Sesame Seeds And Wasabi - gluten free


Half side of salmon
10g toasted sesame seeds
1 sheet of gelatine
10g black sesame seeds
1/2 tsp curry powder
1/2 tsp cumin
1 tsp miso
Salt and pepper
20g soaked dried seaweed
10g wasabi


1. Cut the salmon into long strips and marinade in the miso.
2. Season with curry powder, cumin, salt and pepper.
3. Lay a large piece of cling film onto your work surface and place one length of salmon on top.
4. Cut the sheet of gelatine in half, length wise, and place on top of the salmon.
5. Place another strip of salmon on top of that.
6. Roll the lengths of salmon tightly and tie both ends of the cling film.
7. Place in a steamer until cooked.
8. Allow to cool and set in the fridge.
9. Remove the salmon from the cling film and cover with sesame seeds.
10. Rewrap in cling film to aid cutting. Cut to size.
11. Remove cling film and top with wasabi and seaweed before serving.


Pairs perfectly with Cobra Gluten Free – available to order at the following retailers: